Slackware Linux is a free and open source operating system. It was one of the earliest operating systems to be built on top of the Linux kernel and is the oldest currently being maintained. Slackware Linux was created by Patrick Volkerding of Slackware Linux, Inc. in 1993.
Slackware Linux aims for design stability and simplicity, and to be the most "Unix-like" Linux distribution, using plain text files for configuration and making as few modifications to software packages as possible from upstream.
Slackware Linux was originally descended from the Softlanding Linux System, the most popular of the original Linux distributions.
Slackware's package management system can install, upgrade, and remove packages from local sources, but makes no attempt to track or manage dependencies, relying on the user to ensure that the system has all the supporting system libraries and programs required by the new package. If any of these are missing, there may be no indication until one attempts to use the newly installed software.
Slackware Linux packages are tarballs. Prior to version 13.0, the compression method was gzip with filenames ending in .tgz. Beginning with version 13.0, the compression method for packages was changed from gzip to LZMA. With the change in compression method, the filename extension was changed to .txz so there would be no confusion between the two package formats.

Slackware Linux was originally descended from the Softlanding Linux System, the most popular of the original Linux distributions.
Slackware's package management system can install, upgrade, and remove packages from local sources, but makes no attempt to track or manage dependencies, relying on the user to ensure that the system has all the supporting system libraries and programs required by the new package. If any of these are missing, there may be no indication until one attempts to use the newly installed software.
Slackware Linux packages are tarballs. Prior to version 13.0, the compression method was gzip with filenames ending in .tgz. Beginning with version 13.0, the compression method for packages was changed from gzip to LZMA. With the change in compression method, the filename extension was changed to .txz so there would be no confusion between the two package formats.
Dependency resolution
- Swaret and slackpkg were included as extra packages in the Slackware 9.1 , but were not installed by default.
- SlackIns is a complete and simple Qt-based graphical user interface for installing packages.
- slapt-get is a command line utility that functions in a similar way to APT.
- Gslapt is a graphical interface to slapt-get.
- NetBSD's pkgsrc provides support for Slackware, among other Unix-like operating systems. pkgsrc provides dependency resolution for both binary and source packages.
- pkgsrc-on-slack The goal of this project is to promote the use of pkgsrc on Linux, and expand Slackware (and derivative distributions) with additional packages.
- Tukaani pkgtools replaces the Slackware pkgtools (installpkg, upgradepkg, etc.) with enhanced versions that provide network downloading capabilities and an early version of the alternative compression support now found in Slackware pkgtools.
- Emerde is an adaptation of the Gentoo portage system that can co-exist with the native Slackware system.
Slackware Linux has traditionally concentrated solely on 32-bit architecture and previous releases were available as 32-bit only. Users wanting 64-bit were required to use unofficial ports such as slamd64. As of Slackware 13.0, a 64-bit variant is available and officially supported in symmetrical development with the 32-bit platform.
Slackware Linux is also available for the ARM architecture in the form of ARMedslack.
Slackware Linux is also available for the ARM architecture in the form of ARMedslack.
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