All available images can be burned to a CD, mounted as an ISO file, or be directly written to a USB stick using a utility like `dd`. These are intended for new installations only; an existing
Arch Linux system can always be updated with `pacman -Syu`.

Before downloading, the
CentOS team would like to remind you that the primary means of sustaining the development of CentOS is via contributions by users such as yourself. CentOS is now and will continue to be totally free; however, it takes money and resources to make CentOS available.

To install
Debian on a machine without an Internet connection, it's possible to use CD images (650 MB each) or DVD images (4.4 GB each). Download the first CD or DVD image file, write it using a CD/DVD recorder, and then reboot from that. Many distributions are based on Debian, including Ubuntu, MEPIS, Dreamlinux, Damn Small Linux, Xandros, Knoppix, BackTrack, Linspire, sidux, Kanotix, Parsix and LinEx, among others.

Gentoo Linux is available free over the Internet. Gentoo Release Engineering team provides new minimal install CDs and stages on a weekly basis. Not every architecture is updated on the same day. Not all architectures release CD images.

Order the latest version of
Slackware Linux on CD-ROM (6 CDs in all), or the whole distribution on a single DVD from The Slackware Store. Or, you can download the complete Slackware distribution from one of our mirrors (please use the one closest to your country). If you'd like to provide a mirror, please see the mirroring guidelines text file.

You will need to create a CD or USB stick to install
Ubuntu. Our long-term support (LTS) releases are supported for three years on the desktop. Perfect for organisations that need more stability for larger deployments.